By: Ava
November 7, 2018

How to Help an Addicted Loved One

Table of Contents

Addiction is a brain disorder characterized by uncontrollable drug-seeking behavior, generally caused by chemical imbalance in the brain. If a parent has a son or daughter with drug addiction, they may also be affected. People may depend on drugs because they are profoundly unable to calm themselves if they are stressed.

Drug addicts are typically attracted to drugs because they can use it to self-medicate. Narcissism and risk-taking are evident in drug abusers. Drug abusers think of drug use as an escape for personal problems. Individuals are likely to be drug addicts if they have been exposed to drugs at an early age or experienced peer pressure.

How to Tell If Someone Is Abusing Drugs

Signs of Drug Abuse

Drug addicts are likely to experience signs of drug abuse in every life aspect. Addiction symptoms can vary, but the list below mentions signs that are helpful for identifying drug addicts.

    • Continuous drug use despite harmful effects
    • Disregarding family and financial obligations
    • Disturbed sleep
    • Loss of interest in things you used to enjoy
    • Mood swings
    • Need for drug use to stop withdrawal signs
    • Neglected physical appearance
    • Physical health problems
    • Unusual eating patterns such as overeating or undereating
    • Tolerance

Other noticeable symptoms are changed weight, evasiveness, and changes in social groups.

Get Educated on Addiction & Recovery

Addicts are not bad people even if they are behaving badly; they are ill people. You may find this fact hard to realize, but you should keep it in your mind before talking with your loved one.

Education is important as it helps people recognize the risks of drug addiction. To arm yourself with facts, do extensive research on drug addiction.

By visiting support groups, you can learn about strategies that allow you to feel happy and whole regardless of your loved one’s addiction. Learning about addiction can help you learn on how to prevent it.

Also, be prepared with the treatment options you have selected for your loved one. Do your research and look for a drug treatment program like ours in Burbank, CA in the Los Angeles area.

What If They Don’t Want Help?

Drug addicts may be unaware that their addiction is problematic because they think that they control their situation. Instead, they blame others for their addiction problem.

Everyone present in an intervention should establish personal boundaries. Individuals loving an addict are well known for becoming involved in his or her life. For instance, they enable an addict to continue with his or her addictions. Addicts view consequences as meaningless threats. The confiscation of internet privileges is a simple measure that can be effective. You may need to take drastic action by calling authorities or suspending their visitation rights.

An intervention is a face-to-face meeting between a drug addict and their loved ones in a caring environment. Interventions allow drug addicts to accept help from their family and friends and begin the recovery process. Interventionists are perfect for those who have tried to hurt themselves or others while being affected by drugs.

Everybody can share letters they have written to explain their worries. This is an opportunity for every person to help their loved one move past denial. Interventions should encourage the drug addict to get treatment for their addiction by going to an inpatient or outpatient program.

Finally, Off to Rehab! Now, What Do I Do Once They Go?

Support after rehab for a drug addict is crucial to their wellness and recuperation. Maintain low expectations because drug rehab is part of the recovery process. Thus, your loved one should take it easy. The first 90 days of recovery are usually the hardest. Refrain from asking lots of questions and focus on what’s happening in the present moment.  Additionally, don’t make them be prominent and allow to create their daily program rather than just devising the schedules for them. Nothing should be taken personally because your loved one will prioritize counseling sessions over fun family activities in order to get well.

Avoid blaming yourself for your loved one’s addiction. When your loved one thinks you’re accountable for his or her actions, it will inhibit his or her recovery. You should have tolerance for the mistakes your loved ones make. If you continue to enable him or her, you will send the message that you will be available to solve his or her problems.

Don’t judge harshly when talking to your loved one. If you’re being judgmental, he or she will not be very receptive towards you. Demonstrate compassion to your loved one during hard times and show him or her the differences you see.

Get Help Today at Multi Concept Recovery. We Get It. We’ve Been There.

Don’t let your loved one end up another statistic. If your loved one is avoiding or refusing treatment, call one of our caring consultants today. We have professional addiction specialists on staff that can assist in making sure that your loved one gets the help they need.

Multi Concept Recovery understands how addiction works on a complex, and personal level. We offer multiple options and pathways to recovery to ensure that your individual needs are met.

If you yourself are struggling, but there is something holding you back from getting help don’t worry. That is a normal response. Contact us now at 1-866-785-6161 and start your recovery today.