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Pills spill out of a pill bottle.

Is Valium Addictive?

Many people today receive prescriptions for mental health issues like anxiety disorder. Valium is the second most popular benzodiazepine prescribed for an anxiety disorder. It sometimes goes under the name diazepam. Today

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A conceptual image of a woman struggling with symptoms of bipolar disorder.
Mental Health

What Are the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder refers to a group of disorders categorized as Bipolar and Related Disorders in the DSM. Bipolar disorder is commonly misdiagnosed as depression because it has many similar symptoms. The most

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A woman in recovery talks to a man to set boundaries.
Life in Recovery

How to Set Boundaries During Recovery

When you are in recovery, there are many things that can trigger you, add unnecessary stress, or negatively impact your wellbeing. Learning to set boundaries during recovery is a way that you

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10 Steps to Stop Drinking

It has become widely accepted that alcohol is a major part of our social lives. From work functions and happy hours to tailgate and dinner parties, alcohol frequently plays a large role

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