Mental Health + Substance Abuse Treatment

Berkeley Drug Rehab

Multi Concept Recovery empowers individuals to take control of their recovery journey.


Drug Rehab

You’re not a broken person because of your substance use disorder, and you’re certainly not alone. You deserve someone who will listen to you, treat you with dignity, assume you’re the expert on yourself and your lived experiences, and help you come up with a plan to get you past addiction. You’re the one who will ultimately put yourself on a path to success, but we can help light the way in the darkness.

Compassionate addiction treatment in the Berkeley area is here for you, as Multi Concept Recovery has recently opened a facility in Redwood City to complement our Burbank location. We have outpatient programs that may align with your long-term goals for sobriety. Feel free to call us at 1-866-569-7156 to find out for sure.




We help people with substance use disorders who want help. If you’ve tried treatment in the past and been discouraged by the lack of results, we urge you to give us a try. Our staff members are quite forward-thinking, and our approach lets clients choose the treatment track they feel will work best for them. Teens and young adults are welcome at our facilities.

Think your situation is too complicated? We strongly disagree. Our staff is trained to help in dual-diagnosis situations, which refers to clients who have a co-occurring mental health condition with their substance use disorder. Treatment for addiction is incomplete without addressing other psychological conditions that often increase the likelihood of relapse or adverse health outcomes.

Multi Concept Recovery helps clients with one or more of the following mental illnesses:

  • Anxiety
  • ADHD
  • Depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Have you not been formally diagnosed with a mental illness? No problem. Our comprehensive intake process can indicate whether you might need attention from a mental health practitioner for a condition you never knew you had. Symptoms of substance use disorder can interact with those of other mental health conditions, which is why it is important to holistically treat each client. We promise to leave no stone unturned in our mission to help you realize a fulfilling, sober life. 




Berkeley Drug Rehab Work at Multi Concept Recovery?

Substance abuse treatment in Berkeley and elsewhere across California generally falls into one of two classifications: inpatient and outpatient. Inpatient facilities feature 24/7 care in which clients sleep, eat, bathe, and stay at the facility with rare exceptions (such as outings). Inpatient care is often needed for individuals who need to detox under close medical supervision. 

While the staff at Multi Concept Recovery can help you find inpatient care or give helpful resources for detox, our Burbank and Redwood City facilities strictly provide outpatient services. Outpatient care allows clients to receive many of the same therapeutic interventions they would in an inpatient facility through a more flexible program. Furthermore, outpatient clients are able to return home at the end of each day. Keep reading to understand the three basic tiers of outpatient treatment at Multi Concept Recovery.

Our Partial Day treatment program commands the most time out of clients. This outpatient level of care is called a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) at many other places, although neither of our facilities are actually hospitals. You may spend as many as 20 hours per week or more with our Partial Day program because we offer just about every type of therapeutic intervention to treat substance use disorder. You’ll have access to therapists, nurses, psychiatrists, social workers, and other necessary medical personnel.

Intensive Outpatient Programs, or IOPs, are well-suited for clients who are not experiencing severe substance withdrawal symptoms. This program requires less time than our Partial Day program, but clients receive a diverse array of treatments to help them manage cravings and build a solid foundation for sobriety. Many clients in our IOP can work and spend as much time with their families as they’d like. IOP sessions start at 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. to accommodate busy schedules.

Regular outpatient care usually doesn’t require more than a few hours per week at our facility—if that. Because substance use disorder is a chronic condition that can’t ultimately be cured, many clients receive therapy off and on for the rest of their lives. They can utilize our outpatient program indefinitely as a sort of maintenance tool.



Get in touch with Multi Concept Recovery today to learn more about how our program can help you find long-term healing from substance abuse & mental health.



No matter what outpatient level of care you’d like to use, you are in the driver’s seat when it comes to your treatment. We will let you know the interventions available to you, how each might help your journey to recovery, and other pertinent facts. In that pursuit, below are some types of therapy you might end up using during your treatment.

CBT focuses on identifying unhelpful or untrue thought patterns and their impact on your behaviors. These thoughts often lead your mind to uncomfortable places that may cause you to have cravings. This type of therapy helps you challenge these thoughts, redirect them before they consume you, and replace them with more helpful ways of thinking.

This therapeutic intervention focuses on helping you accept aspects of your current situation without adopting unhelpful or untrue thoughts about them. It aims to help you view the world objectively and avoid catastrophizing. Like CBT, it also arms you with strategies to manage emotionally and mentally challenging situations.

Having supportive family members is crucial for long-term recovery. In many, if not most, cases, interpersonal relationships clients have with their loved ones heavily impact their substance use disorders. Whenever possible, our staff finds that therapy sessions with family members of clients result in better conditions for everyone involved—not just clients.

Standing for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, EMDR is a somewhat complex way to treat PTSD. It involves using specific eye movements and activation of other senses while going over past trauma. Over time, this can condition your mind and body to react in less extreme ways to flashbacks and thoughts of your past trauma.

Specifically for those with substance use disorder, RPT can help clients minimize the chances of a relapse by recognizing situations and environments that may increase substance cravings. This can include people, places, specific times of day, and anything else potentially relevant.

Taking the first step

is all you need to begin healing from suffering.



Our Redwood City Location

We’re excited to offer substance use disorder treatment for people in the Bay Area through our Redwood City facility. Our staff is committed to providing personalized care—care that espouses dignity and respects each client’s agency. Our outpatient clinic offers full primary care services for both substance use disorder and co-occurring mental illness.

Multi Concept Recovery is an entirely judgment-free zone. Our focus is on you and your recovery. For more information, give us a call at 1-866-569-7156 or submit your contact information to receive a follow-up call.