Can Xanax Help With Alcohol Withdrawal?
If you are struggling with alcoholism, getting help can be overwhelming, especially if you are worried about managing withdrawal symptoms. Alcohol withdrawal can come with serious side effects, so it’s important to understand the risks and whether or not there are medications that can help. Many people wonder if Xanax can help with alcohol withdrawal. […]
10 Steps to Stop Drinking
It has become widely accepted that alcohol is a major part of our social lives. From work functions and happy hours to tailgate and dinner parties, alcohol frequently plays a large role in social gatherings. While it is perfectly fine to indulge in moderation, it can be easy to slip into excessive drinking. Once that […]
How to Go About Maintaining Sobriety
Getting sober and staying sober are different things. The road doesn’t end once rehab does. Maintaining sobriety takes nurturing and it’s very much an investment in yourself that pays greater dividends the longer it lasts. Sustained sobriety takes planning, care and attention to both your inner world and the external triggers that will doubt land […]
Heroin Addiction and Depression: Are the Two Related?
Short answer: yes, heroin addiction and depression can be related. Taking a step further back from heroin specifically though, it’s safe to say that mental disorders and substance use disorders, in general, are entangled to varying degrees. It’s known as comorbidity or as dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders. In brief, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) […]
What Happens in Rehab?
Among the most common recommendations for beating addiction is rehab, so well known in fact that it’s become sort of a catchall term nowadays. Naturally, it’s great that so many folks are aware of the inherent benefits that rehab can provide. But while treatment is oft-advised, not everyone knows what happens in a rehab program. […]
What to Expect After EMDR in Addiction Treatment
Trauma is often intimately connected and intertwined with addiction. For a sizable subset of those suffering from a substance use disorder (SUD), the genesis of their current problems – and why they’ve turned to drugs or alcohol to cope with it – can be tied to trauma in their past. A long-buried event tearing their […]
How to Help Someone With Addiction
It feels like being lost in the wilderness. The life of a loved one being thrown into turmoil – a son, daughter, aunt, uncle, mother, father, best friend – also throws your life into disarray. That stability you took for granted all of a sudden shattered by the realization that addiction is in some ways […]
A Guide to the Different Categories of Drugs
From potency to their effects, all drugs are not created equally. Here we’ll help you understand some of the various categories of drugs that are most commonly used and abused. All of which have a high potential for cultivating a serious addiction. Stimulants These drugs, generally known as “uppers” speed up the body’s system as […]
What Is Sobriety?
While in a certain sense it’s abstract, sobriety is easy to define in the straightforward sense. It’s a person who isn’t under the influence of drugs or alcohol and who doesn’t take drugs or drink. Sobriety is the state of being sober in other words. That’s where some abstraction comes into play because oftentimes you […]
Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms: From Mild To Severe
Alcohol is a toxin and the process of ridding your body of it isn’t necessarily a pleasant one. Your body has gotten used to alcohol being in the system, you’ve grown dependent on it to function. Stopping your intake, therefore, comes with consequences aka withdrawal. Depending on how severe your alcohol use disorder is – […]