The Opioid Epidemic: Everything You Need To Know

Opioids are supposed to help people reduce pain, but they often end up causing more pain because they’re incredibly addictive. Opioids are commonly prescribed to manage pain after surgery or a procedure and can easily be abused. If you’re reading this, you’ve probably been prescribed opioids at least once in your life, such as Vicodin, […]
5 Excuses We Make to Avoid Going to Rehab

You really want to get clean and sober. So what is stopping you? Are you afraid of being judged? Can you make the payments? Do you feel that the process will be too long and hard for you? Or do you think that the problem isn’t as bad as everyone around you makes it out […]
How to Find the Best Addiction Treatment Program for You

Is your life is out of control? Are drugs or alcohol ruining your marriage? Are you afraid of losing your job, or ruining your health? Are you afraid of losing your life? Maybe none of these things concern you about yourself, but they may apply to your son or daughter. Experts say someone has a […]
What are the Benefits of an Outpatient Addiction Treatment Program?

There are many studies and articles out there who highlight the many benefits of attending an inpatient drug rehab. Many times you will read these articles that cover the extensive benefits of residential treatment and success rates in terms of completion, however, many of those articles or studies fail to cover the crucial period once […]