By: Eric Moore
August 24, 2017

The Most Addiction-Prone Careers

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While there is no scientific evidence to prove that specific professions ‘attract’ addiction, research does tend to suggest that the career we pursue may directly affect recreational drinking habits and may even lead to drug use. The entertainment industry is well-known for being a sociable and glamorous scene, even if those who actually work in the business know that this is often not the case. Nonetheless, the occasions for social drinking may take place more often in the entertainment industry than in other professions.

In fact, a 2007 study by SAMSHA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Association) found that the “glamour” professions—arts, entertainment, media, etc.—rank only third in the list of professions with the highest addiction rates. Contrary to popular opinion, the restaurant industry is the riskiest career choice.

SAMSHA’s Top 10 Most Addiction-Prone Careers

1. Food preparation and serving (17.4%)

2. Construction (15.1%)

3. Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media (12.4%)

4. Sales (9.6%)

5. Installation, maintenance, and repair (9.5%)

6. Farming, Fishing and Forestry (8.7%)

7. Transportation and Material-Moving (8.4%)

8. Cleaning and Maintenance (8.2%)

9. Personal Care and Service (7.7%)

10. Office and Administrative Support (7.5%)

If you or someone you know needs help with alcohol or drug addiction, and fears loss of status in the community or stands to suffer financial or other career losses in the event, please contact Multi Concept Recovery. We are here to help (818)433-8835