By: Ava
March 8, 2024

How to Rebuild Trust in Recovery

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Being a recovering person takes a lot of hard work. Being sober goes beyond stopping your drug use; it involves cleaning up the debris that was caused from years of substance abuse. Perhaps the most important fence to mend is rebuilding trust. Trust in recovery is essential to your sobriety. Rebuilding relationships with family, friends, co-workers, and others in the community goes a long way in building the support network you need to stay sober for the long haul.

This article focuses on rebuilding trust in recovery and the importance of repairing relationships after addiction. If you are newly recovering and need extra tools and support to help you rebuild your life, call Multi Concept Recovery today. Our Los Angeles addiction treatment programs are evidence-based, effective, and personalized to meet your specific needs. Our innovative treatment approach restores your mind, body, and spirit.

Call Multi-Concept Recovery today and take back control of your life!

Rebuilding Relationships in Recovery: Why Is It So Difficult?

Trust is absolutely essential in maintaining healthy relationships with others. In simple terms, trust means that others rely on you to do the right thing. When you are addicted to drugs and alcohol, you are taking trust and throwing it out the window. Instead of doing the right thing, you manipulate others, play people off of one another, and in some cases be abusive toward those you love.

When you get sober, your family and friends may not necessarily lay out the welcome mat. After years of manipulation and mistrust, those people closest to you may be wary of you even though you are changing your life for the better. The truth is there is a lot of healing and forgiveness that needs to occur before you can expect your family and friends to come around and trust you. If you expect to stay sober for the long term, you must place rebuilding relationships in recovery high on your to-do list.

How To Build Trust In Recovery

Building trust in recovery is a gradual process that can take some time. It is important not to rush or force this process. Take the time needed and necessary to rebuild relationships in recovery the right way. The following are some tips that will get you moving in the right direction:

  • Stay sober: The number one tip in building trust in recovery is staying sober. After you complete drug treatment, do whatever is necessary to safeguard your recovery. It is highly recommended that you undergo some form of aftercare. You should also attend regular support group meetings, find sober hobbies, and see a therapist on a regular basis.
  • Start small: When it comes to rebuilding trust, don’t overcommit or spread yourself thin. Start small with visiting friends and family, helping out around the house, and attending family functions and events. It is important to remember that trust is built over time. Give people the space they need.
  • Respect boundaries: While many family and friends may welcome the new you, there will be people who are harder to convince. In these cases, you shouldn’t force yourself on them or push them in anyway. Respect their boundaries and let them know you are working on yourself and are striving to improve everyday. 
  • Be accountable: A huge component of building trust in recovery is holding yourself accountable. Be upfront and admit your mistakes and your wrongdoings that happened while you were active in addiction. Don’t blame the drugs or other people for your actions. Be humble and continue to take the steps needed to repair yourself.
  • Trust yourself: Early in recovery, it is easy to beat yourself up and be down on yourself. When you experience those feelings, take a step back and make note of how far you have come. Take care of yourself by exercising regularly, eating healthy, getting restful sleep, and engaging in hobbies and activities that make you feel happy. 

Take Care Of Yourself WIth Help From Multi-Concept Recovery

The road to recovery is a long and difficult journey. The process of recovery alone may make you hesitant to take that first important step. As a top Los Angeles outpatient rehab, Multi Concept Recovery understands your feelings and can help you overcome your fears. Our evidence-based programs are personalized to meet your needs, and the safe and supportive environment at our rehab centers in Burbank will help you build confidence and trust.

Take that first step toward freedom and call Multi-Concept Recovery today.