By: Eric Moore
February 1, 2018

14 Ways to Incorporate Self-Love Into Your Daily Life

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In honor of Valentine’s Day from February 1st through the 14th M.C.R. will be posting 14 ways to incorporate ‘Self-Love’ in your daily life.

Valentine’s Day puts the emphasis on love for someone special in your life. But did you ever think that YOU are someone special in your life?

Why not make this day about loving yourself? You can’t love someone else until you truly love yourself.

Day 1 – Practice acceptance.

You are perfectly imperfect. Learning to accept ourselves for who we are is the most significant step to self-love. Not comparing ourselves to others and learning to embrace the person we are.

We are all unique individuals, both physically and emotionally, that is what draws people to us. You don’t need to pretend or wish to be anyone else. We all offer the world something different. That’s what makes it so beautiful.

Day 2 – Organized space.

Living or working in disorder can deeply affect our moods and creates feelings of chaos within. An open, organized space can be liberating and uplifting. I’m not saying you must keep your space perfectly clean, but taking a little time to tidy up can make a big difference.

Getting rid of that pile of clothes we’ve been meaning to donate or sorting through that stack of papers we’ve been staring at for months can be quite refreshing. Think of it as making room for new things in our lives!

Day 3 – Pampering

Taking care of our bodies shows we have respect for the amazing temple our souls inhabit. Simple self-care techniques like taking a bubble bath, getting a massage or prioritizing quality sleep are all ways of respecting our bodies and showing them the love they need (and deserve!).

Day 4 – Nurture

Replenishing our bodies with clean water and real, whole food is a loving gesture. As they say, you are what you eat. If we eat like trash, we tend to feel like trash. Showing our bodies that it matters by providing the high-quality nutrients needed to flourish.

Day 5 – Note to self

Writing a positive note or listing our goals as a reminder somewhere unavoidable (like your mirror or front door) is a great way to start and end each day.

Day 6 – Inner Circle

As we grow up, the number of friends we have tends to shrink, but that’s a good thing. As we mature, we start to value our time and our friendships more and shift focus from quantity to quality.

The energy of our inner circle is infectious, which is why it is so important to surround ourselves with elevating, supportive people.

Day 7 – Gratitude

Finding daily things to be grateful for each day and sharing them out-loud or writing them down on paper.

If we tend toward negative internal conversations, gratitude is a wonderful way to change that.

Day 8 – Letting go

This is quite the challenge for most of us. It takes a long time and a lot of pain to realize that other people’s problems are just that — other people’s problems. Learning to accept that one person cannot change and save everyone. We can only learn to establish boundaries, offer help where it is welcomed, and — most importantly — know when to walk away.

We are not the world’s savior. We can show kindness and compassion to others but not to the point at which it detracts from other responsibilities. Sometimes, we need to let things go.

Day 9 – “Me time”

So many people struggle with the idea of taking time for themselves. They dedicate their lives to careers or children or ailing parents, and the thought of taking a couple of hours for themselves brings too much guilt to consider.

Well, I am here to tell you that there is absolutely nothing wrong with taking some “me” time. Even just an hour every now and then can help to recharge, reset, and reenergize you. This is not only important for your own well-being but for those around you.

If we run ourselves into the ground, what good will we be to anyone else? Remember, we should put our oxygen masks on first to be able to help the person next to us.

Day 10 – Put it on silent

Between our phones and computers and TVs, our minds are constantly overstimulated. All this screen time can distract us from reality and from ourselves. Taking time at the end of the day without gadgets is a great way to get back in touch with ourselves. How are you feeling? What are you thinking? What’s going on in your body?

Day 11 – Start on the right foot

Beginning each day by acknowledging something positive about ourselves. Maybe we handled a stressful situation well yesterday or accomplished our first headstand in yoga class. Even something as simple as acknowledging that we smiled a little more yesterday is worth noting. All the little things we overlook truly make a difference. Focusing on the positive moments in our day will transform our mindset over time.

Day 12 – Forgiveness

This may be a hard one to accept. As much as we try to be, we’re not (and no one is) perfect. Instead of harping on mistakes made or beating yourself up over another “failed” attempts, learn to forgive yourself. Those who haven’t failed, haven’t tried. Which is the ultimate failure.

Be proud that you tried. Think of all the things we learn from each mistake. Every bump in the road has helped us become the amazing, strong-willed people that we are today. Embracing our imperfections and learning to forgive ourselves.

Day 13 – Have fun!

Life is short! It doesn’t have to be so serious. While there is a time and a place to be serious, there should also be plenty of time to enjoy ourselves. When’s the last time you danced? Or sang at the top of your lungs? Allowing yourself to be creative and let loose will boost your spirits and remind you that life isn’t just about work. There can still be some playtime in there, too!

Day 14 – Say no

I’m still working on this one, but I’m getting better. While it may feel uncomfortable at first, learning to say no is important. We must be able to set boundaries for ourselves.

You can’t be everything to everyone — and that’s okay. Trust me, people will respect you when you stand up for yourself, and your relationships will flourish because of it.