By: Ava
January 16, 2019

7 Celebrities Who are Living Examples of Recovery

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Addiction is a disease that can happen to anyone, at any time in their lives. It comes into play both during the highs and lows of life. No one ever intentionally becomes addicted to a substance. In many cases, it can be a result of prolonged use of prescription medication that spiraled out of control, or it could be the result of peer pressure or trying to be part of a crowd. Whatever the case may be, it is an incredible feat to overcome addition and bounce back better than ever. These celebrities were once in the throws of addiction and managed to beat the odds to lead a more fulfilling life and enjoy a robust career. Keep reading to find out more about top celebrities who were able to beat the disease.

1. Bradley Cooper

Bradley Cooper has become an A-list celebrity over the years. He has been a staple in Hollywood and has many different movie and television shows to his credit. Although he is considered an upbeat, positive figure, he is not without a dark past. Most recently in his hit movie “A Star Is Born” the actor had to rely on his past experience with addiction to round out his character’s performance. In an article posted in Variety Magazine, he discussed his own personal battle with alcoholism that nearly ended in suicide. He sought help and is now back on track and enjoying the current spotlight, most recently with the box office and worldwide success of his debut directorial movie, “A Star Is Born” starring himself and Lady Gaga.

2. Jamie Lee Curtis

Jamie Lee Curtis is on top of the world right now and is once again one of the most followed celebrities in Hollywood. She has had a career spanning decade, but she is most famous for her role in the Halloween horror movie series. Little did anyone suspect that over the years, she had developed a serious opioid addiction resulting from prescribed painkillers after plastic surgery. She has confessed in previous interviews that she would even lie and steal from friends and family to support her increasing addiction. Eventually, she hit rock bottoms and was able to seek help through a reputable drug counseling and addiction treatment center. She is now completely drug-free and living it up in tinsel town, with the latest installment of Halloween smashing box office records in its debut weekend.

3. Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato is one of the biggest names in music today. She has plenty of pop singles and albums under her belt and several that have hit number one on the charts. She has performed at some of the largest celebrations and events in the nation, which has made her a popular public figure. Many assume because of her personality and beauty, that she had it all together. Unfortunately, she was drug into the spotlight for a near-fatal heroin dose over a year ago. She has managed to bounce back better than ever after seeking treatment and is quietly returning to the spotlight.

4. Eminem


Eminem has a reputation as a strong, opinionated rapper who isn’t afraid to get the heart of a subject. He is viewed by many as one of the greatest rappers to ever live. He has enjoyed much success throughout his career, but even he fell victim to addiction and even overdosed on prescription pills in 2007. He discussed his battle and in an interview with Billboard, he even stated he had an ulcer as a result. He got help and used running as a tool to get back in shape and redirect his compulsion. He is now healthy and in April of 2018, he celebrated 10 years of sobriety thanks to Alcoholics Anonymous, a moment he shared with his fans on social media.

5. Robert Downey Jr.

Robert Downey Jr.’s rise to fame, and then epic fall from grace as a result of drugs and alcohol is a Hollywood legend. He began using drugs as a child actor, and quickly became addicted as a teen. He would use just about any drugs including heroin and cocaine. He was arrested several times for a variety of possession charges and other crimes fueled by addiction. Eventually, he was able to seek treatment that actually worked and he picked up the pieces of his career and made a magnificent comeback. Today, he is one of the most respected names in Hollywood and is an A-list celebrity known for his role as Iron Man.


Macklemore is one of the most popular names in music today, and has won a Grammy and many other prestigious awards for music. He recounts his alcohol addition as it quickly took over his life and almost cost him his career as a rapper. He said it began as a teen and quickly took over his daily life. He tried and failed to get sober several times but was unsuccessful. He also began taking painkillers such as OxyContin. He was eventually able to seek rehab assistance and is now back on track and better than ever.

7. Kelly Osborne

Kelly Osborne is the celebrity daughter of rocker Ozzy Osborne. She has been in the public’s eye since she was a child and even participated in a very popular reality show featuring her dad and family during their daily life. She first began taking prescription liquid Vicodin after having a tonsillectomy. From that point on, she has fought with addiction and relapse. Although she has relapsed in the past, she has managed to seek treatment successfully, but still struggles to keep on track daily.

Let Multi Concept Recovery Help You Find Your Own Path to Recovery

Developing a drug or alcohol addiction can happen more easily than people realize as you see from these celebs in recovery. If you or someone you love is battling with addiction and needs professional, caring help and addiction recovery that can get them back on track and enjoying life again, Multi-Concept Recovery can help. We offer addiction treatment in the Burbank area of Los Angeles. For more information, contact us today or to get started, let us do a free insurance benefits check for you to see if your insurance will cover the cost of treatment.