By: Eric Moore
August 16, 2017

How to Find a 12 Step Fellowship Near You

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12 Step Fellowships such as Alcoholics Anonymous are widely recognized as one of the best community resources available for recovering from alcoholism, drug addiction, and other compulsive disorders.

Millions of people have recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body.

12 Step Programs for People Suffering from Substance Abuse

Alcoholics Anonymous is the original 12 Step Fellowship, founded in 1935 by its first two members Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith.  AA membership is estimated to be near 2 million people, with meetings in nearly every country.

Cocaine Anonymous is a fellowship of recovering cocaine addicts based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Crystal Meth Anonymous is a fellowship of recovering from drug addicts, particularly crystal meth addicts, based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Dual Recovery Anonymous is a fellowship of people who are chemically dependent and are also affected by an emotional or psychiatric illness.

Marijuana Anonymous is a fellowship of recovering marijuana addicts based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Narcotics Anonymous is a fellowship of recovering drug addicts based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Nicotine Anonymous is a fellowship of recovering nicotine addicts based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Pills Anonymous is a fellowship of people recovering from prescription drug addiction based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous.

 12 Step Programs for Families, Loved Ones & Friends

Al-Anon helps families and friends of alcoholics recover from the effects of living with the problem drinking of a relative or friend.

Alateen is Al-Anon for young people.  Alateen groups are sponsored by Al-Anon members.

Narcotics Anonymous Youth Committee is Narcotics Anonymous for young people.  NAYC groups are sponsored by NA members.

Nar-Anon helps families and friends of drug addicts recover from the effects of living with the problem drinking of a relative or friend.

 12 Step Programs for Compulsive Behaviors or Addictions

Debtors Anonymous is a fellowship of recovering compulsive debtors based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of recovering compulsive gamblers based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Overeaters Anonymous offers a program of recovery from compulsive overeating.

Sex Addicts Anonymous is a fellowship of people recovering from sexual addiction or dependence based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous.