By: Nicole
September 17, 2020

How to Help Someone with a Drug Addiction

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Achieving recovery and sobriety isn’t always easy, and sometimes those you love require a little extra care and consideration when it comes to the support given to those suffering from a substance use disorder. At Multi Concept Recovery we understand that it’s not easy to tell someone that they need help with addiction or even to admit to ourselves that we need help. Below we have provided some information to help you get started with your recovery process or help someone else seek recovery from drug or alcohol addiction.

Stage an Intervention

When helping an individual suffering from a drug addiction, an intervention may be the first step in doing so. This may be done by a family member, a peer, or someone else who is concerned about this individual. An intervention can occur in an unprofessional or a professional manner, and one can even hire an interventionist to help with this process. The intervention process is basically when a caring individual sits down with the addicted individual and explains to them that they need to get treatment or further help for their addiction.

Take Them to a Peer Support Group Meeting

According to the National Institute of Health, peer support is defined as the process of giving and receiving non-professional, non-clinical support, from individuals that may experience the same conditions/circumstances that the others are also experiencing. Good peer support can help in the achievement of long-term recovery from substance use and addiction. Peer support groups help in many different ways, including giving each individual peace of mind and understanding that there are others that are going through the exact same thing that they are going through. Peer support groups not only provide support, which can sometimes be hard to find, but also provide sober peers/sober friends. These friendships can be crucial in early recovery because they will support you within your recovery journey, and they will not pressure you into doing something that you will regret.

Sober peers also help in maintaining sobriety and preventing a future relapse. Some groups that may be worth researching are the Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. There are also groups within your community that you can research as well, contact us today to find out what peer support group would best fit you and your individualized needs. At Multi Concept Recovery we have support groups for family members of addicts. We certainly understand that the addicted individual isn’t the only one that suffers or struggles when it comes to an addiction.

Research Addiction Treatment Facilities

It’s no secret that there are a plethora of treatment facilities available to attend. At our facility, we offer numerous addiction treatment programs to choose from. Our programs include:

Partial Day Program

This is a highly comprehensive, multifaceted, intensive treatment program. This program is ideal for individuals with busy schedules, because it allows people who are suffering from an addiction with acute addictive symptoms to get treatment while continuing their normal activities with a great degree of freedom. This program helps to promote psychological well-being while maintaining a normal lifestyle.

Intensive Outpatient Program

This program is recommended to begin the recovery process once being cleared by a doctor. This intensive outpatient program provides guidance in developing coping skills and helps individuals better understand their addictions. This intensive outpatient program helps to avoid psychological and physical damage when it comes to relapse and withdrawal symptoms. We also utilize individual therapy and group counseling sessions, which emphasizes communication and interaction with others during the treatment process.

Outpatient Program

Within the outpatient program, clients tend to have weekly individual therapy sessions as well as an option to continue the group therapy sessions. This usually happens after they graduate from the intensive outpatient program. Outpatient programs can be designed to be a maintenance phase, or phase that helps you maintain your sobriety. This care is supposed to help you achieve a long-term recovery from addiction by using the tools that you acquire within counseling and therapy.

The goal of all the programs mentioned above is to build a solid foundation of recovery to take with you into the future. Regardless of what program or treatment center you or a loved one chooses, we recommend making sure you do your research before you commit to a program. This way you can ensure the program meets your individual needs.

Multi Concept Recovery Can Help You!

Here at Multi Concept Recovery, we want to help our clients and their family find the right treatment for them. We have offered some suggestions within this blog/article, but ultimately it’s up to the comfort and care that our clients desire. Like stated previously, contact us today, reach out to us to find what treatments best suit you and your unique individualized needs.