By: Ava
October 22, 2019

How a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) Can Make Dealing with Addiction Easier

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It’s no secret that addiction can be truly life-threatening.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse notes that there 47,600 deaths related to drug overdose in 2017 alone. The numbers only escalate from there.

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism reported that around 88,000 people die from alcohol-related causes on a yearly basis. The numbers only become more staggering when looking at tobacco-related deaths. 480,000 people die annually because of their smoking habits, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

While the human cost of addiction is certainly most concerning, the financial ramifications of it are alarming too. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the excessive usage of alcohol, illicit drugs, and tobacco is costing the country more than $740 billion annually.

Addiction can really become costly in more ways than one and its impact on an individual may only become more pronounced as it’s allowed to fester. For those who want to free themselves from the clutches of addiction and live healthier moving forward, it’s worth looking into PHP, otherwise known as a partial hospitalization program.

What Is PHP?

Structure is important for many people currently going through addiction treatment. Sometimes, being told what you need to do, when you need to do it, and how to do it can be very helpful. Having no other option beyond following the rules makes it easier to stay on the right path.

Inpatient treatment provides recovering addicts with the structure they may need. Of course, inpatient treatment doesn’t last forever and that can be a problem for some individuals who are still in the process of recovery. Losing that structure can be detrimental to the progress they have already made.

The reason why PHP makes sense for many people as a form of addiction treatment is because it offers structure in an outpatient setting. describes it as a form of treatment that’s “more intense” than what you can receive when you go visit a doctor or a therapist. Still, it is worth reiterating that it remains a form of outpatient addiction treatment.

You can go in to complete the daily portion of the program and return home later in the day.

What Are the Advantages of PHP Compared to Other Forms of Addiction Treatment?

PHP is probably not as well-known as some of the other forms of addiction treatment. That’s why it’s important to highlight the specific advantages that it possesses over the other options available. We’ve already talked about how PHP can offer more structure compared to the alternatives so let’s focus on the other things that it brings to the table.

PHP Provides Structure and Flexibility

When you’re undergoing inpatient treatment, your whole life basically revolves around the hospital. While it does provide the structure you may need, it can also feel overwhelming at times because you always have to follow orders.

The great thing about PHP is that you basically have more freedom. Sure, for the time that you are undergoing a PHP session, you will still have to stick to the rules and adhere to the structure, but there’s a limit on how long that has to be.

After the session, you can go home or head off to work. Your whole life doesn’t have to revolve around your treatment. Instead, you can adjust the PHP structure in such a way that it better fits your life.

PHP Eases You out of Inpatient Treatment

Going from the structured environment provided by inpatient treatment to what you can receive from the different types of outpatient treatment can be quite the shock to your senses. It’s part of the reason why many people struggle in the first place.

Inpatient treatment and PHP are not completely the same, but they do resemble each other enough that the change should be easier to handle. If you’re worried about what kind of impact losing that structure so abruptly can have on you, giving PHP a try should minimize the potential ill effects.

PHP Offers Different Types of Experiences

Being able to take part in a wide array of activities is yet another reason why PHP can work for some people. It doesn’t confine you into any one thing.

Various forms of holistic treatment such as meditation and exercise classes are elements of PHP. You can also go in for counseling or receive medication if you feel that those things will be more helpful to you.

PHP is designed to help you out in the best way possible. That’s why it presents different treatment options so that you can figure out for yourself which one is best.

What Happens After You Finish Your PHP?

Completing your PHP does not necessarily mean that you are 100 percent recovered, but you are definitely getting there. Upon the conclusion of the program, you will likely be urged to seek outpatient treatment.

Thanks to you undergoing the PHP, the move to outpatient treatment should now be easier. From there, you can continue to participate in outpatient treatment until you reach the point where you have fully conquered your addiction.

If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, do not hesitate to reach out! At Multi Concept Recovery, we are always ready and able to help you. Contact us today!