By: Nicole
June 19, 2020

What Are Co-Occurring Disorders and Their Treatment Options?

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At Multi Concept Recovery, we know addiction isn’t always as simple as someone being addicted to a substance and then stopping it. Some people are addicted to multiple substances, and some people battle mental illness in addition to addiction. This is called co-occurring disorder. With co-occurring disorders, it may not be as easy to overcome the obstacle of addiction, but hopefully with our help, we can make it a bit simpler. We want to help you develop strategies for maintaining sobriety, while creating a happy and healthy headspace. 


What Are Co-Occurring Disorders?

We know that addiction and mental health can be a tough subject to discuss, but today we’d like to spend some time sharing information regarding co-occurring disorders. Co-occurring disorders are common in substance use disorders, so don’t feel like you are going through this alone if you currently struggle with both. Substance abuse disorders and mental health, in some cases, go hand in hand. Co-occurring disorders are when someone with a substance use disorder also has a mental illness, such as depression, anxiety, OCD, etc. This can be any combination of a substance use disorder and a mental health disorder. 

The mental health disorder may cause or be correlated with a substance use disorder. This means that the mental health disorder, such as depression, may cause someone to start using. In other ways, someone may use (alcohol, drugs, etc.) to self medicate in treating their mental health disorder. The substance use disorder may also cause or be correlated with a mental health disorder. This means that the addiction may grow severe and cause mental health issues or even trigger an onset of symptoms.


Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment

Treating co-occurring disorders is very important, not only in the treatment of addiction, but also in the treatment of mental illnesses. Getting treatment for co-occurring disorders helps with the symptoms of a mental health disorder and it also can help lower the rate of relapse in addiction rehab graduates. Seeking co-occurring disorder treatment helps build confidence in addicts and also creates a stronger relapse plan for the future. 

Finding the right treatment for co-occurring disorders is crucial in ensuring long-term recovery. Multi Concept Recovery we provide individualized treatments for each of our clients. We treat co-occurring disorders in relation to addiction and are prepared to help each of our clients succeed in each step of the recovery process. We offer programs that are custom and individualized for the needs of our clients. At MCR, we incorporate an evaluation tool for both substance abuse disorders and mental health disorders upon arrival, to create the perfect treatment experience and make treatment as smooth as possible. The assessment tool that we use will continue to be updated throughout the clients’ individualized treatments to make sure we are on the right path to the perfect plan for recovery. We want our clients to feel like they, not only have been helped, but that they also have hope of long-term recovery while going through this treatment process. 


How to Manage Co-Occurring Disorders After Addiction Treatment

Long-term recovery is important in managing co-occurring disorders after addiction treatment. Once the symptoms of the addiction have been reduced and now seem manageable, a long-term recovery and relapse prevention plan can be maintained. It is important to maintain sobriety while continuing to better one’s mental health and reduce the symptoms of the COD. To ensure on-going sobriety, any addict who has completed co-occurring disorder treatment should use the resources given to them through their treatment programs. These resources could be things such as group therapy, regular assessments, therapy sessions, or even changing the environment around the client. 


Seek Co-Occurring Disorder Treatment Today

At MCR, we have an integrated treatment model that helps the client choose different treatment programs. These programs allow for choice between our Traditional Treatment Program or our Emotional Intelligence & Mindfulness Program. After addiction treatment, it may be difficult to want to continue to have treatment for your co-occurring disorder, but it is important to preserve. Addiction and mental illness can be a lifelong battle.  Own your sobriety and keep working hard to achieve long-term recovery. Contact us today to get help!