What to Expect After EMDR in Addiction Treatment

Trauma is often intimately connected and intertwined with addiction. For a sizable subset of those suffering from a substance use disorder (SUD), the genesis of their current problems – and why they’ve turned to drugs or alcohol to cope with it – can be tied to trauma in their past. A long-buried event tearing their […]

How to Help Someone With Addiction

How to help someone with addiction

It feels like being lost in the wilderness. The life of a loved one being thrown into turmoil – a son, daughter, aunt, uncle, mother, father, best friend – also throws your life into disarray. That stability you took for granted all of a sudden shattered by the realization that addiction is in some ways […]

A Guide to the Different Categories of Drugs

A guide to the different categories of drugs

From potency to their effects, all drugs are not created equally. Here we’ll help you understand some of the various categories of drugs that are most commonly used and abused. All of which have a high potential for cultivating a serious addiction. Stimulants These drugs, generally known as “uppers” speed up the body’s system as […]

How to Get off Fentanyl Safely

Fentanyl drug addiction rehabilitation program

Understanding the dangers of fentanyl – and the reason that getting off it safely requires a measured approach – requires understanding the opioid epidemic. First and foremost, opioids are a class of drugs meant to alleviate pain, with brands like Vicodin and OxyContin commonplace these days. The sense of euphoria that accompanies the pain relief […]

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms: From Mild To Severe

Alcohol is a toxin and the process of ridding your body of it isn’t necessarily a pleasant one. Your body has gotten used to alcohol being in the system, you’ve grown dependent on it to function. Stopping your intake, therefore, comes with consequences aka withdrawal. Depending on how severe your alcohol use disorder is – […]

Definition of Recovery From Addiction

Definition of Recovery From Addiction

Understanding addiction can be complicated enough, but getting sober can also seem like you’re learning a new language entirely. You may hear some say that they are sober, while others say that they are in recovery or recovered. Still, others will refer to themselves as an alcoholic or an addict. But what does that mean? […]

Emotional Intelligence in Recovery

couple practicing emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence – we all know what emotions are, but most of us probably aren’t familiar with how it pertains to intelligence. Emotional intelligence varies from person to person, but the great thing is, the more you practice it, the stronger it becomes. At Multi Concept Recovery, there are two unique tracks for treating addiction […]

Mindfulness Meditation: Five Tips To Help You Get Started

Every day, countless families across the country are impacted by substance abuse and alcoholism. For years, the resources that were available to help people suffering from addiction and substance abuse were limited. Now, thanks to more research and shifting attitudes, there is an abundance of resources available to help those in need. One great option […]

How To Make It Through The Holidays Sober

Holidays are hard Sobriety is hard enough during regular times. Holidays are much harder, because of many reasons. For many people, holidays are a reminder of mistakes they’ve made and relationships that are beyond repair. For others, holidays bring back memories of happier times when things seemed simpler. To make it worse, the holidays are […]

The Benefits of Having Good Emotional Intelligence in Sobriety

For those who are yet unfamiliar, the concept of emotional intelligence describes the capacity we have to identify, employ, understand, and control our emotions in the most positive way possible. Ideally, we should all be striving for a high level of emotional intelligence as this allows us to easily overcome conflicts, communicate more effectively, empathize […]