Why Los Angeles is a Great Place to Recover

Los Angeles

Making a change in your life, like admitting you need help to cut drugs and alcohol out and live healthier, is a big step. If you think you are ready to take this on, the first thing you’ll need to do is decide where you will seek addiction treatment and live your life once you’re […]

How to Practice Self-Love in Recovery

practicing self love

It is reported that more than one in seven Americans ages twelve and older currently suffer from substance abuse, which amounts to at least forty million citizens. Addiction and substance abuse disorders have officially surpassed rates of heart conditions, cancer, and diabetes. Rates of mental illness vary wildly but it is very common for addicts […]

How to Survive the Holidays Sober (and Have Fun!)

With so many parties and celebrations, the holidays can be a particularly difficult time of year for those trying to stay sober. Temptation may be high, but you can always take preventative measures to make sober holidays even more enjoyable than they would’ve been had you never gotten clean. The key is to plan to […]

14 Ways to Incorporate Self-Love Into Your Daily Life

In honor of Valentine’s Day from February 1st through the 14th M.C.R. will be posting 14 ways to incorporate ‘Self-Love’ in your daily life. Valentine’s Day puts the emphasis on love for someone special in your life. But did you ever think that YOU are someone special in your life? Why not make this day […]

Staying Sober During the Holidays

The holiday season can be a very challenging time for recovering addicts and alcoholics. Endless social events, shopping, expectations from friends and family, and memories of drug and alcohol use during this time are all stressors that can trigger a relapse. While stressful for most, the holiday season doesn’t have to be at odds with […]